I have been running
arts/recreation programs in the Bronx for the last decade. In addition, for the last few years I have begun servicing home bound seniors creating programs specific to their needs. Often beside their aids, I am their only other social contact. I have found that by visiting a homebound senior, once or twice a week, I have been able to lift a persons depression and improve the quality of their persons life.
Several years ago I began working with Karen Schwartz, MSW LCSW, ACSW, (Larchmont, NY). She introduced me to a couple who suffer from dementia and other illnesses. Neither husband nor wife was able to communicate their likes or dislikes.
Their adult children hoped their parents might benefit from more attention. They had been living in a nursing home for the last few years.

For the wife, I planned a weekly
music/ exercise/ message and reading session. It was easy to tell that she enjoyed it as she laughed a lot and clapped to the music and even
danced from time to time. The husband was not so responsive until I introduced
numerical flash cards. He was an accountant in earlier years. We began working with addition flash cards and then moved on to multiplication. With time he has become sharper and can do all 100 of them on a good day. He enjoys the feeling of self worth that this gives him. Also, he has become more verbally responsive, recently thanking me for stopping by. Recently, he called me his bright light.

Another client I work with lives in a small apartment. She is wheel chair bound and cannot get out much. She has dementia, however, she can communicate her likes and dislikes. We have started making art together and she is enjoying this process and beginning to discover herself in a new way. Her art lessons are quickly becoming the focus of her week.

Still one more client was a well known TV producer from the early days of TV. He enjoys talking about the early days and remembering his friends, famous actors and actresses. Together, we exercise, do
brain stimulation, we
listen to music and go on
outings. My client enjoys having someone from his own culture to share common foods and language.